Competitive rates for container imports China – Costa Rica

Almost 11 years after the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between China and Costa Rica, the commercial relations between the two countries remain solid, despite the Covid 19 pandemic.

China, the second largest economy in the world, exports products into Costa Rica such as: cell phones, laptops, television screens, iron, steel, toys, textiles, tires, vehicles, electrical cables and medical devices, according to the Ministry of Foreign Trade (COMEX). These imports from China represent more than $2 billion.

To Costa Rica Planet Shipping, the time differences, language and distance are not an inconvenient for importing products from China, since we have strategic allies in the Asian country that allow us to offer you:

  • Efficient dry cargo container import service from China's main seaports.
  • Spaces confirmed weekly.
  • Competitive rates.
  • 20 and 40-foot containers.
  • Transport of containers under the Full Container-Load or FCL modality: great rates, faster and safer transfer of your products, more stability of the load.

Contact us for personalized service: (506) 8384-3927.