Costa Rica stands out for the diversity of its agricultural products

Costa Rica stands out for the diversity of its agricultural products

594 companies from the Costa Rican agricultural sector exported 176 products to 104 destinations around the world during 2022 for a total of $2,243 million, numbers that support the good positioning of Costa Rican products abroad.

What makes this sector so successful internationally? According to Pedro Beirute, general manager of Costa Rica's Foreign Trade Promoter (PROCOMER), "Costa Rica's agricultural sector has great international recognition due to factors such as the diversity of the supply and quality of the fresh products that are exported, which has allowed us to position ourselves in international markets as a supplier of excellence".

Positioning of Costa Rican products. Source: PROCOMER and Trademap


#1 pineapple exporter in the world (2021).


#2 supplier of bananas in the European Union (2021).

#3 banana exporter in the world (2021).  

#1 banana supplier in Spain and Germany (2021).  


#4 supplier of melon in the Netherlands (2021).  


#1 supplier of watermelon in the Netherlands (2021).  

Cassava, roots and tubers

#1 cassava supplier in the European Union (2021).  

#4 world cassava exporter (2021).  

#1 supplier of roots and tubers in the US and #5 in the European Union (2021).  


#2 supplier of chayote in the US (2021).  

#1 ginger exporter from Central American countries (2021).  

#2 supplier of ginger in the European Union (2021).  


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