Opportunity for Costa Rican bananas: China increases its imports of the fruit

Opportunity for Costa Rican bananas: China increases its imports of the fruit

China has a high need to import bananas from other countries due to the lack of quality of the national fruit and because the area available for planting decreases year after year. Another reason is that in countries such as Cambodia, one of the main exporters of bananas to China the cost of transporting the fruit has increased up to three times.

In May 2022 alone, China imported 213,400 tons of bananas for a total of 213.361,071 kilos and a value of US $142.841.956. While the accumulated volume of imports from January to May 2022 was 956.200 tons (95.6210.198 kg), that means an increase of 11.58% compared to the same months of 2021, according to data from the specialized Spanish site Fresh Square.

According to the Costa Rican Foreign Trade Promoter (PROCOMER), Costa Rica is the ninth largest supplier of bananas to China, providing high-quality fruit at a larger size.

"Despite the fact that Asian countries have a highly competitive advantage in terms of proximity to China, Latin American countries are positioning themselves strongly with quality and larger fruit, such as that offered by Ecuador and Costa Rica. It is important for Costa Rican companies to take advantage of this increased demand for bananas from China and position their products", says PROCOMER., asegura PROCOMER.

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